Wednesday 17 August 2016


ANJEM CHOUDHARY is 146 Std English and 65 Pythagoras, 50 chaldean

A man allegedly born on January 18th 1967, month of Capricorn, Year of the Goat (Double Goat Man)

Image of ANJEM CHOUDHARY from Daily Express report
Here seen with long thick beard, head cap and his VENUS finger on the right hand pointing straight up. His left hand is splayed open showing the 5 fingers, so 1 + 5 is 15 (5-5-5)
He is standing in front of a green area, behind that is a building which is showing 7 floors in photo shot. About 66 windows are visible in this photo.

I have met a number of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Arabian men, and this man who has the name of ANJEM CHOUDHARY (which could be an anagram) does not look very Indian in my cultured opinion.

HATE PREACHER is 108 Std English or 63 Pythagoras (The number 63 is really popular, possibly relating to the Prophet Mohammed's age when he died)
ANJEM CHOUDHARY or MARY H JANE DOUCHE (Obnoxious or contemptible person, typically a man)
Daily Express image
THREE OF HEARTS is 148 Std English,888 English Gematria,67 Pythagoras
Here he is pictured wearing a white top with black trousers (Black/White)
and the Beer looks Orange.

Daily Express image
Yes, he could be Pakistani like Imran Khan (Cricketer) but he could also be Jewish, a well tanned jewish individual pretending to be a Muslim Cleric openly preaching hatred in Britain
Not such a bad thing as it shows how corrupt ISLAM really is.

I would like to share images of some famous people of jewish origin or heritage.
Image of URI GELLER, famous for his SPOON BENDING abilities
Now, this photo of URI GELLER made me think how similar he looks to 'ANJEM CHOUDHARY. I would agree that GELLER has a lighter skin complexion compared to 'CHOUDHARY.

This is an image of STEVEN SPIELBERG, HOLLYWOOD Director of many famous films like E.T: The Extra Terrestrial, Close Encounters of the Third Kind etc

I thought there was something Spielberg-esque about the look of CHOUDHARY.
In summary I think ANJEM CHOUDHARY (A.C=1/3) shares similarities in appearance with URI GELLER.

I don't think Mr Choudhary is Turkish, Iranian, Greek, Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, chinese, indonesian, 

He may be Egyptian, Palestinian, Israeli. I can't put my finger on it.

A Palestinian refugee doing a job for Jewish masters perhaps, or a man of Israeli descent pretending to be a Muslim, preaching with his head down, ass up in classic Islamic manner on a dirty british pavement.
Image of 'Anjem Choudhary' promoting SHARIAH (LAW) in the UK with his Black Barbed Buddies
Black and White colours=Masonic tracing board (Black/White)
I would to see CHOUDHARY with his hat off, glasses off, beard off and check if he's jewish.


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