Wednesday 11 January 2017

WALKERS Crisps 69 96

WALKERS Crisps was set up in LEICESTER (Midlands) in 1948, same year that the LONDON OLYMPICS were held at WEMBLEY and the same year that the State of Israel was set up.

WALKERS CRISPS will be celebrating its 69th year of existence of making POTATO CRISPS in Brtain.


image of GARY LINEKER playing for LEICESTER CITY (known as THE FOXES)

(FOXES=6-6-6-5-1 or 6-6-6-6)

GARY LINEKER's connection to the company is due to him being born in LEICESTER and was later to play for LEICESTER CITY (his first club after turning professional) in the 1978-1979 season when he was only 17 or 18 years old.

30 years after WALKERS CRISPS was established, LINEKER would play for LEICESTER CITY, home to the CRISP company.

WALKERS CRISPS logo (wikipedia)

The logo has a YELLOW ball shape behind the lettering which could be a SUN.
The lettering is WHITE with RED coloured bunting
RED/YELLOW=ORANGE (33 Pythagoras (60 Std English)

WALKERS is a 7 letter word, CRISPS is 6 (13 letters total)

WALKERS is 89 Std English, 26 Pythagoras, 22 Chaldean
CRISPS=84 Std English, 30 Pythagoras, 20 Chaldean

56 Pythagoras is equal to GARY LINEKER's age of 56 (born in 1960)

WALKERS CRISPS is 173 Std English or 56 Pythagoras.
5x6=30 (30 years from 1948 to 1978 when GARY LINEKER first played professional football for his place of birth of LEICESTER (96 Std English) and it is WALKERS CRISPS 69th year of existence in 2017. (and LINEKER started at 17 years of age (18 in November 1978)

The word WALKERS could also relate to people who walk or make a pilgrimage. In medieval times religious people would make pilgrimages on FOOT to their destination, whether in BRITAIN or further afield in EUROPE, or the MIDDLE EAST.

WALKERS starts with the letter -W- the 23rd letter of the alphabet. This can also be turned upside down so it becoms an -M-

Then WALKERS becomes MALKERS, a word that is similar to MALEKH, MOLOCH, or MILK

MALKERS could also be a reference to MALECHITES

In 1 SAMUEL  Ch. 15 v. 3 it says
"Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey"

AMALEK was the grandson of ESAU,the descendant nation of AMALEKITES and the territories of AMALEK which they inhabited

AMALEKITES lived in ancient Israel in the land of MOAB, located in the region of SINAI (Southern Israel or Eastern Egypt on modern Maps)

WALKERS CRISPS is 54 in Pi Gematria (Cf Pi in mathematics)

The number 54 is synonymous with the SUN which is 54 in Standard English Gematria

Another interesting fact is the the film STAR WARS was released on MAY 25th 1977. Not long after GARY LINEKER left school (maybe earlier) and started his journey into the world of professional football.

STAR WARS, directed by GEORGE LUCAS, which starred a man named MARK HAMILL who played a lead role with a character named LUKE SKYWALKER
(LUKE=LUCIFER/VENUS (Morning Star/Evening Star)


Then LEICESTER CITY won (fixed event) the PREMIER LEAGUE TITLE for the 2015-2016 football season and an ARCH copied from the ruins of PALMYRA structures in SYRIA was erected at NELSON'S COLUMN in LONDON, not far from LEICESTER SQUARE (maybe less than a mile away)

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