REED.CO.UK employment website
A man named JAMES REED fronts the advertising campaign for the REED jobsite.
The gimmick is 'LOVE MONDAYS' which is an anagram for LOVED MAYSON (MASON), or MAYSON DEVOL (DEVIL) or even Y SLAVED MOON ?
The phrase 'YOU TOO CAN LOVE MONDAYS' is 274 Std English and 85 Pythagoras.
MONDAY is MOON-DAY, a reference to the MOON. The MOON rules the sign of CANCER in Astrology and it exalts in the sign of TAURUS (THE BULL).
The MOON seems most active at night when a FULL MOON helps illuminate the night time.
But work is usually done in the daytime.
The man named JAMES REED wears the colours of BLUE and YELLOW. This could be a reference to the shield for the TRIBE OF JUDAH.
A blue coloured upright LION flanked by 2 laurel wreaths on a YELLOW background with HEBEW lettering above (read from right to left)
REED.CO.UK image
The word REED is underlined by 2 dots under the letters EE. The letter -E- looks very similar to the number -3-
Therefore the reason for the dots under EE is a veiled reference to the number -33-. This in turn refers to the 33rd degree of SCOTTISH RITE FREEMASONRY.
the letters -EE- are the 2nd and 3rd letters in the word or 2/3 = 23. The number 23 can be a reference tothe 23 base pairs of DNA in the human body.
An example of a ring denoting the number 33 in the centre of a triangle
JAMES REED dressed in a KNIGHTLY outfit and beard
This could be a reference to the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR (MASONS). The BEARD could be a reference to GAY men
So the meaning of LOVE MONDAYS could be references to MASONS and DEVILS and DEMONS
LOVE(4) MONDAYS(7) is 11 letters long (4/7)
YOU (3) TOO (3) CAN(3) LOVE (4) MONDAYS (7)
A total of 274 Std English or 85 Pythagoras
The word REED can be a reference to -RED'
RED can be a reference to the RED STAR (85 Std English) of ALDEBARAN in the constellation of TAURUS/HYADES (image)
RED can also refer to COMMUNISM.
So you have RED but JAMES REED wears BLUE/YELLOW, so a RED/BLUE symbolism referring to the RED and BLUE lodges of MASONRY.
Also BLUE and YELLOW makes PINK.
The word REED can also refer to the REEDs found near a riverbank, such as...THE RIVER NILE in EGYPT or the REED BASKET that housed MOSES as he was placed on the RIVER NILE and later discovered by someone by the riverbank.
So maybe a biblical/egyptian reference to the company called REED.CO.UK. (82 Std English equal to JAMES REED LOVES MONDAYS =82 Pythagoras)
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