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The first letter -I- hides the shape of a HUMAN EYE' with thehelpof the roof shaped mark above the DOT of the letter -I- or -i-.
BLUE writing, informal text style, no capital letters.
INDEED is 41 Std English or 32 Pythagoras, 24 Chaldean. (6 letters, 7 parts)
ONE SEARCH=88 Std English, 43 Pythagoras, 36 Chaldean
ALL JOBS=71 Std English,17 Pythagoras, 20 Chaldean
INDEED+ONE SEARCH+ALL JOBS (22 letters) = 200 Std English or 92 Pythagoras
INDEED upside down is POOPU! (to need a toilet)
22 letters - 7 part word is 15 or maybe Pi (22/7=3.141592.)
INDEED+ALL SEEING EYE is 160 Std English or 88 Pythagoras, 64 Chaldean
Is it a reference to the HUMAN EYE ?
Is it referring to the ALL SEEING EYE or EYE OF PROVIDENCE ?
Or a reference to the PINEAL GLAND in the HUMAN BRAIN ?
The THIRD EYE (Calcified by society by such things as FLUORIDE)
The word INDEED could also refer to a legal term called 'IN DEED' which refers to property, mortgage and the like.
INDEED can also be read as IN DEAD
INDEED can be 33 if -i-=1 and NDEED is 32 Std English.
IN can also be pronounced as AYIN (16th letter of the HEBREW ALPHABET)
AYIN looks like the English letter -O- in PHOENICIAN
If IN=AYIN then AYIN-DEED can read as A-Y-IN DEED or EYE-DEAD
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