I first wonder why Muslims would go to prayer late on MONDAY and then leave the Mosque just after Midnight.
I think the Muslim day of prayer is a FRIDAY (Freya/Venus)
I also wonder if this is just an accident or a crime, not a Terrorist incident. The term Terrorist Attack allows authorities to treat a suspect with different rules compared to a Crime scene or Accident.
The news first told us that the Suspect was unknown to Police or authorities (such as MI5). Later news shows that the authorities were able to get all sorts of details about the suspect.
The suspect was named as DARREN OSBORNE, A father of 4 who hired a VAN from PONTYCLUN in South Wales. PONTYCLUN is the location of SOUTH WALES FIRE SERVICE, in the region of the VALE OF GLAMORGAN.
So why would a man who is a father of 4 children decide to carry out an attack or accidentally crash a vehicle near a Mosque?
There have been ongoing issues with the BREXIT debacle as well as RAMADAN for MUSLIMS.
Why would a man drive into people on the street, if any, at Midnight 18th June going into 19th June (which coincides with the alleged murder of a JO COX MP from Batley, near Manchester) ?
I wonder where the CCTV evidence is located. I wonder where the IPhone or video camera footage is located other than one individual recording something going on with a middle aged man seen lying on the ground shouting 'KILL ME' as he is held down by Muslims, one who has his arm twisted, such as an udnercover cop might be obliged to do to a suspect.
There has a been recent glut of events happening late at night, from about 10:30pm to Midnight. Why is this the case?
Would any witnesses be present to experience what actually happened at FINSBURY PARK.
It is well known to the Public that FINSBURY PARK has become known to be a notorious place for radicalisation of Muslims, according to how the Media has created this storyline.
Anything involving the likes of Mayor SADIQ KHAN, CRESSIDA DICK, NEIL BASU, GEORGE ALAGIAH (BBC News), THERESA MAY is leaning towards some sort of strange balls up involvinv the Media.
We have the likes of SADIQ KHAN who was appointed or selected to me Mayor of London (not to be confused with the LORD MAYOR of LONDON, who is a different entity)
Mr KHAN is presumably a Muslim. Ever since Mr KHAN took office, it seems the likelihood of a Islamic terror attack has increased dramatically over the last 1 or 2 years.
Never mind the EDL or Tommy Robinson of the Far Right saying things which may well be true. For the Media to decide to censor or ignore issues raised by the Public would be disastrous. What first needs to be ascertained is the identity of Tommy Robinson to discover whether he is a genuine person or just another government stooge.
It is claimed that Mr DARREN OSBORNE, if that's the name we're going with, mowed down some pedestrians coming our or loitering on the pavement at Midnight near FINSBURY PARK MOSQUE.
It is claimed that 1 person died, an elderly man, but the news cannot confirm whether the death was caused by the OSBORNE's van mowing everyone down.
Then we're told that 8 people or more were injured, some lying under the wheels of the VAN, something I saw NO evidence of, only chinese whispers through the mainstream media.
I see what looks like 2 adults dressed in light blue outfits walking around an alleged crime scene.
The alleged locations of evidence are marked out with letters, D, E, I. these spell out the word -DIE-. The photograph is taken from some height, looking down on the blue suited adults. This crime scene should have been dealt with not long after the Crime, to prevent contamination of the crime scene.
An image of two men dressed in what looks like Police SWAT team fatigues, no HELMET, GLASSES, GLOVES, A Velcro Patch which says POLICE on the chest. Semi Automatic firearms pointing down at the concrete.
These two men look like SOLDIERS to me. Man in front points his index finger (Venus or Jupiter finger) above or near trigger, not actually ON the trigger, so it looks like he is ready to fire but it is only the PREPARED position.
Why don't these 2 men have HELMETS to protect their heads from potential gunfire. If you're going to bring a firearm, get ready for battle but the Suspect didn't have a KNIFE or a GUN, just a VAN, from WALES.
What are all these people ACTUALLY doing ? None of these ALLEGED POLICE OFFICERS have helmets. Some of them are balding, some have beards or stubble on their faces. There is 1 woman amongst them. There are about 11 people standing close together for some reason.
Man in blue outfit is checking his/her mobile phone, not inspecting evidence with TELEPHOTO LENS camera or kneeling down close to evidence. An alleged Police officer standing away from Cameraman who must have woken early to get this photograph early in the morning on London's streets.
Man to right of Police Officer (?) pointing away from Cameraman looking at things inside a van.
HIGHBURY is the location of ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB who won the FA CUP final against CHELSEA earlier in MAY 2017.
Perhaps the link to ARSENAL is the ARSE or the ASS.
This event or episode just happened to occur in LABOUR leader JEREMY CORBYN (CORBYN=RAVEN) constituency of FINSBURY or thereabouts.
JEREMY CORBYN was accused of profiteering from previous events such as the London Bridge episode and the Grenfell Tower fire to attack Tory Leader and Prime Minister THERESA MAY.
So an attack just happens to occur in Mr Corbyn's backyard who we're told is deeply upset at the recent event. So his constituency consists of Labour supporters, some of whom are Black, Indian or asian Muslims who attend Finsbury Park Mosque.
SADIQ KHAN is also present in this photograph. Who made SADIQ KHAN the MAYOR of London when the last incumbent was BORIS JOHNSON who has now become Foreign Minister who may be vying for the Tory leadership.
Tommy Robinson made a valid point about the source of Islam in Britain. They have been allowed to settle here, same as the Black Africans were allowed to settle in Britain. They want to move away from giving Mr Robinson a public voice to avoid a FAR RIGHT uprising in Britain.
Whenever you have a LABOUR or TORY government, the FAR LEFT or FAR RIGHT wings are too far away from the action. THERESA MAY and the TORY government are not too far from creating a FASCIST government, one where police are armed to the teeth, one where Corporations have more power.
The problem with both the GRENFELL TOWER FIRE and the FINSBURY MOSQUE event is that it centres around MUSLIMS and some black people. So they take centre stage in both events which raises the issue of ISLAM in Britain.
Going after critics of ISLAM can also stifle free speech about Britian's foreign policy of allowing overseas citizens to settle in Britain. Britain has been America and Israel's lapdog, helping to bomb and clear out the Middle East, which can only help ISRAEL to have peace or expand its borders into what is presently SYRIA.
There is also the BIG ISSUE of the INTERNET. THERESA MAY promises to tackle ONLINE EXTREMISM so a TERRORIST MANUAL written by Britain's MI5 or the British Military can only help fuel the flames of an Agenda to stifle the Internet, stifle british people's issues about Multiculturalism and Diversity.
HATE CRIMES can only come from an ethnically diverse culture, one where the present incumbents feel increasingly marginalised by the way government opens the door to migrants from war torn countries like Syria, Iraq, Libya. Places which were bombed by allied forces. Places which once belonged to ALEXANDER THE GREAT's empire some 2000 years ago, and perhaps to the ROMAN EMPIRE.
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