Why is the news reporting 3 vehicle crashes in 3 different countries over the weekend of 25th February ?
South London, UK
Heidelberg Germany
New Orleans, USA
25th February is the 56th day of the year (309 days left in the year)
Twenty Fifth is 156 Std English (Equal to THIRTY THREE in Std English) and 57 Pythagoras, 51 Chaldean.
FEBRUARY is 96 Std English, 42 Pythagoras, 27 Chaldean
Twenty Fifth February is 252 Std English, 99 Pythagoras, 78 Chaldean
The locations of LONDON + HEIDELBERG + NEW ORLEANS is 275 Std English, 131 Pythagoras, 108 Chaldean (130 Reverse Pythagoras)
LONDON + UNITED KINGDOM + HEIDELBERG+ GERMANY + NEW ORLEANS + USA is 545 Std English, 239 Pythagoras, 190 Chaldean
Change it to UNITED STATES and you have a total of 661 Std English, 274 Pythagoras,225 Chaldean, (311 Reverse Pythagoras)
London + Heidelberg + New Orleans + England + Germany + United States is 572 Std English, 239 Pythagoras, 200 Chaldean (274 Reverse Pythagoras)
London Heidelberg New Orleans England Germany United States Twenty Fifth February Saturday is 933 Std English, 366 Pythagoras, 300 Chaldean
HEIDELBERG is 75 Std English, 57 Pythagoras, 35 Chaldean
GERMANY is 83 Std, 38 Pythagoras, 21 Chaldean
LONDON is 74 Std, 29 Pythagoras, 31 Chaldean
UNITED KINGDOM is 146 Std, 65 Pythagoras, 51 Chaldean
NEW ORLEANS is 126 Std, 45 Pythagoras, 42 Chaldean
UNITED STATES is 157 Std, 40 Pythagoras, 45 Chaldean
GREAT BRITAIN is 124 Std English, 61 Pythagoras, 31 Chaldean (83 Reverse Pythagoras)
The MOON phase is nearing towards a NEW MOON/BLACK MOON on Monday 27th February 2017.
25th February is the 7th day of PISCES, 11th day of AQUARIUS in Sidereal Astrology Calendar.
25th February may also correspond to DECEMBER 25th (Christmas Day in a standard calendar because FEBRUARY is the 12th month in the Roman calendar which begins with the month of MARCH.
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