There is little to report about the news, only that President Trump of America is attacking FAKE NEWS while he deftly brushes off pressing issues and promotes his own.
2 main stories at this time are PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP and BREXIT in the United Kingdom.
Also in the news is the demonization of the nation of RUSSIA.
Another news story is that AMERICA is now best friends with JAPAN, a nation they apparently bombed to death to end the Second World War. How deep are Japanese American ties in reality ?
GREECE is popping into the news again.
My point is that the news, all through JANUARY and FEBRUARY so far, has been relatively boring.
There is a real scope for a certain event to occur in the upcoming month of MARCH.
While THE DONALD hits the headlines with the media about the supposed turmoil in The White House, an event could be lined up for the month of MARCH to help further define not just our age but North America too.
There are threats of a similar event on the British mainland, again perhaps for the month of MARCH.
There are ongoing rolling Agendas for such things as INTERNET CENSORSHIP or CONTROL and MEDIA CENSORSHIP (cf the alleged controversy over 'FAKE NEWS (84 Std English)
The FAKE NEWS debacle is not a new concept, the news has been FAKE for many many years. It is simply how the American government wants to present itself as 'COOL' and 'TRENDY', attempting to catpure the American youth and alternative media communities.
This may be part of what TRUMP aims to do, to corner the market and make it HIS OWN concept, when in fact the ALTERNATIVE MEDIA existed long before THE TRUMP was SELECTED for CHIEF EXECUTIVE of DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.
If the boring news drivel continues I must then contend that an operation is the works, either on the North American continent or the British mainland, or both (in quick succession).
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