Friday 27 May 2016


Who is Mrs Terror? and Where does she come from? and Who does she work for (if anyone) ?

The Daily Express article has dubbed a woman named SALLY JONES as MRS TERROR after remarks she made about how western forces have attacked Iraq and Syria.

Mrs Terror got involved with a man who is alleged to be Muslim, a hacker who she met online, on a dating site?

Mrs Terror seems to be a grandmother at however old she may presently be, say 40 years old.

She left one of her children behind to go to Iraq to be with her new husband.

So you have a working class, blonde haired, blue eyed nordic type looking woman who falls head over heels in love with a Muslim computer hacker, and she had children from a previous relationship, one of which was neglected in favour of the new husband.

Mrs Terror claims that a bout of terror attacks will hit London in June and July of 2016, which is just before the start of the Rio Olympics in South America.

'Pathetic England, you scare so easily' is what Sally Jones is alleged to have said.

When did she say this and when? in front of her mirror? on her iphone 
and posted it to the Daily Express. Do normal people say things like this?

The first Daily Express image shows an image of what appears to be a PERSON covered from head to toe in black garb (who is he or she in left of pic?) with greenish looking water behind the person.

On the right is supposedly a picture of said MRS TERROR (SALLY JONES)

MRS TERROR is 144 Std English and SALLY JONES is 33 Pythagorean. It seems trivial to mention it but the numbers are interesting.

A blonde haired, pony tailed female with pasty white skin, pursed lips wearing a white zip up leisure jacket with the words NEW YORK (and obscured letters underneath)

So a link to NEW YORK in USA (Maybe MANHATTAN)

There is also the BLACK/WHITE symbolism present in these photos.

This next image seems to show what may or may not be a photoshopped or manipulated image which has the face of what looks like SALLY JONES.

This image reminds me of a film called 'NUDE NUNS WITH BIG GUNS' made in September 2010. Again it shows the BLACK/WHITE symbolism. The dog on the right of picture also has a little BLACK on its body. The image provokes the viewer to think of religion and catholicism, as well as the fact that a female is pointing a gun at the camera. So this promotes more of the G.I JANE character.

Also the female is a nordic stereotype with blonde hair, fair skin, and maybe blue eyes.

The question I would ask is why would muslims, or muslim terrorists accept a germanic/nordic female from a christian or atheistic background into their fold ?

SALLY JONES' 'testimony' ties in nicely with what I heard someone say about JUNE and JULY 2016.

There could be fun and games galore after the EU REFERENDUM, almost as if it is all lined up to happen. Scripted or not, I can see something happening after the REFERENDUM.

The real movers and shakers will get their way with BRITAIN.

The BANKSTERS can outsource Bank crashes to hackers or groups who call themselves ANONYMOUS wearing GUY FAWKES masks.

Who's wearing the MASK? Nobody knows

And Terrorists are threatening to bomb LONDON, 11 years after the 7th July 2005 (7-7-7) bombing outside Tavistock Institute in London.

Who are the terrorists? who pays their bills? who feeds them? who funds them? who trains them ?

why can't anyone find and/or kill these sitting ducks in the middle of a desert ?

GPS not working again?

Sadly, SALLY 'WHITE NIGGER' JONES is unavailable for interview as she legged it to MOSUL under the cover of a Muslim garb.

Regardless of this story, political policies are real. Innocent people will die but the New World Order will throw you to the wolves, eventually.

Life's great, depopulate, kill the Whites, set up the Muslims, then kill them off.

Who is the enemy?

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