Thursday 26 May 2016


I heard a claim that there could be trouble after the EU REFERENDUM on 23rd June of this year.

Someone claimed that JUNE and JULY will be 2 months to watch for any activity regarding the BANKS.

A Daily Express article has a report about a woman who claims that an 'event' could happen in or around LONDON.

The film LONDON HAS FALLEN was released on March 3rd 2016 (3/3). More mindless backstabbing and nihilistic killing galore in the OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN sequel starring Gerrard Butler.

The EU REFERENDUM is such a close event that it could easily be rigged. The British people do not associate themselves with the Europeans, just across the river.

Europeans are more prone to extremism than hardy Brits. What Europe has done is put its Octopaws into British trade and commerce so that if Britons decide to vote LEAVE, then the European can or will punish britain on an Economic level.

But if the public can see that Money is bullshit, they can see through Project Fear and propaganda.

The reason for CONFUSION on both sides is GOOD from a political and economic perspective. You keep the public deliberately disinformed with expensive leaflets dished out by the British government.

The REMAIN lovers claim that Britain will go back into Recession, but we are ALREADY in Recession and AUSTERITY. A nice dump of Bullshit from the Europhiles.

The policy makers probably have several if not many options lined up for whatever outcome.

If the REFERENDUM does not go as predicted then another REFERENDUM can be planned in the Autumn 2016 or 1 year later. What is certain is that those in power (those in real power) will get the result that they want.

If BRITAIN votes unanimously to leave then there is an option to create a new coalition with neighbouring countries, such as France, Belgium, Holland Norway, Denmark.

Traditionally Britain is a Germanic/Nordic dominant weather beaten jewel in the Eastern Atlantic.

The only problem is Germany. There is a deep divide between Britain and Germany. Also, Germany does manufacturing just a little bit better and more refined than Britain.

Germany however is under attack from Migrants who are keen to integrate with lots of White folk in a prosperous part of the world. And they don't mind raping some blonde haired, blue eyed women on their staycation.

The STAY campaign will claim that Armageddon awaits if the LEAVE camp wins.

The EUROPEAN UNION will claims that bigger is better, so why can't we all get along and be one big happy Communist family ?

Europeans are a bunch of weird Arse lickers. They will never change their ways. Britain's involvement in the European Union can do nothing to improve or change European culture. If anything, European culture, along with the Migrant invasion will redefine british culture.

BRITISH CULTURE will diminish
AGENDA 21 will continue
KALERGI PLAN will continue
AUSTERITY will continue
BANK BAIL INs will commence
UNEMPLOYMENT will continue (including Managers)
TERROR THREATS will continue
U.S ELECTION will continue
SYRIA collapse will continue
POVERTY will increase 
AUTOMATION of Industry will continue
STERILISATION will continue

The REFERENDUM pales in insignificance.

I wait to see the fun and games in the aftermath of the funeee murder.

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