Tuesday 10 May 2016

Canada Wildfire at Fort McMurray

What actually happened at Fort McMurray?

How did the 'Wildfire' actually start? where did the fire start?

News reports say that 90% of the 'City' of FORT MCMURRAY is still intact after this ferocious wildfire seemingly took over the area.

(NINETY PERCENT =69 Pythagoras)

One or more videos seemingly show the fire looking pink or PURPLE in colour. Other scenes show a fire raging out of control but a front row of trees remain intact by the roadside.

A supposed CCTV footage in someone's home shows a fire starting to engulf the rooms and a fish bowl remains unaffected.

It looks as though some trailer parks were engulfed with flames.

They might also have been set alight by someone or something.

I cannot confirm what actually happened unless I was actually there. Some people seemed happy to talk about the event. One woman seemed distraught that she had lost everything while a fire and black smoke raged in the distance behind her. She talked to the news team instead of fleeing the scene.

This was and always will be a powder keg waiting to explode especially as the area is known for its oil and gas deposits, with oil in the sand. FORT MCMURRAY is also surrounded by thousands of trees.

Under the right conditions of dry, hot weather in April, which should by highly irregular for a place at 56 degrees north. Also strong winds to help a potential fire spread quicker would be helpful.

In the aftermath of all that happened in Northern Alberta, TOM HANKS takes up  the role of  DAN BROWN'S Symbologist in the latest film called 'INFERNO'.

So you have a raging inferno in Northern Canada and now a film called INFERNO with TOM HANKS.

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