Sunday 10 April 2016


I am glad to know that SPORT is BULLSHIT.

We have the MASTERS Golf at Augusta, We had RULE THE WORLD win the Grand National (Horse Race)

And.. we have LEICESTER CITY at the top of the Premier League of Football.


I can write a blog about the Grand National Horse Race, I can write a blog about the LEICESTER CITY storyline. I can write a blog about the MASTERs at Augusta, Georgia.

I can NOW see through the bullshit of Sport, Entertainment, Films, News, Dramas, Space and the New World Order.

Such a system has the power to elevate us into indomitable beings of wonder and spiritual enlightenment.

The Horse Shit made me grow towards a truly spectacular and unstoppable being of spirit, mind and body.

I know the purpose of the Bullshit is not to destroy me but to provoke me, to scare me, to challenge me.

For those who are lost, hurt, beaten, shot, stabbed or homeless, there is always a choice to overturn it. You can scream to your God who does not intervene.

Some lessons are hard to learn, it's hard to see when you're angry, bitter or confused.

Sport is a distraction from the things that really matter. Sport is a want not a need. Exercise is a need but Sport is a business that is predominantly achieved outdoors, on your feet, learning to adapt to changing circumstances, usually before an audience of strangers.

Sport is bread and circuses, the participants are like actors performing on a stage, much more vast than an indoor arena.

Sport(88) is Bullshit 

Thank you very much

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