Saturday, 8 April 2017
The WESTMINSTER, STOCKHOLM, ST PETERSBURG Terror episodes makes the shape of a NUMBER 7.
It is 451 in Standard English, 136 Pythagoras, 127 Chaldean, 188 Reverse Std English, 555 in Francis Bacon Gematria (a=1, z=26; A=27, Z=52 Capital letters are double value.
WESTMINSTER BRIDGE, STOCKHOLM, ST PETERSBURG is 496 Std, 172 Pythagoras, 144 Chaldean, 626 Francis Bacon, 224 Reverse Std, 477 Jewish Gematria.
LONDON, STOCKHOLM, ST PETERSBURG is 360 Std English, 117 Pythagoras, 116 Chaldean, 464 Francis Bacon, 144 Reverse Std English.
The lamestream media freely chose to describe these events as TERRORIST ATTACKS. They also insisted, along with the 'witnesses' present at each event, to describe it as SHOCKING.
The WESTMINSTER episode was about BREXIT. I had a feeling that something could be on the cards for LONDON at the forthcoming time that a female called THERESA MAY PM finally managed to start the BREXIT deal with the corrupt EUROPEAN UNION based in BRUSSELS, BELGIUM.
So the MARCH 22nd episode was about a NEW WORLD ORDER stamping its authority onto the world, reinforcing the date of 322 or 223 in peoples' minds to remember this number or date in history which coincides with an alleged attack in BRUSSELS BELGIUM, only 12 months ago to the day.
WESTMINSTER (which matches SCOTTISH RITE and other words at 165 in Std English) was about making a statement about Britian's desire to exit the EUROPEAN UNION. So the organisers of the event wanted to send a message to the necessary authorities that BRITAIN will face a tough battle to exit the EUROPEAN UNION.
But NATO is merely a military PAWN to be used for the NEW WORLD ORDER to justify sweeping changes to the world through the medium of TERRORISM.
After TERRORISM comes ALIEN INVASIONS. (I can't wait)
Everyone knows that SOLDIERS are stupid and must take orders from psychotic superiors with multiple cocks on their shoulders.
The STOCKHOLM event located on QUEEN STREET in STOCKHOLM, near to the main TRAIN TERMINAL was probably about SWEXIT (Sweden's desire to leave the EUROPEAN UNION, based in BRUSSELS, BELGIUM)
SWEDEN is a very socialist nation which has accepted many immigrants from the MIDDLE EAST. So the MIDDLE EAST conflict justifies the creation of REFUGEES and MIGRANTS needing support from the very nations that helped to bomb their countries. Then the aforementioned nations have a massive guilt trip and gladly accept MIGRANTS from said war torn region so that a new culture of strangers can be dumped onto the streets of foreign nations to cause trouble like RAPE, LOOTING, BURGLARIES and promote ISLAMIC traditions.
RUSSIA has been supporting SYRIA's fight against whoever it may be but it seems to be playing the GOOD COP to combat AMERICAN aggression in the region to promote REGIME CHANGE for the PNAC document.
RUSSIA is not part of the NATO alliance
The ST PETERSBURG episode was a testament to the MARCH REVOLUTION by the BOLSHEVIKS which happened some 93 years ago.
Although reports claimed that a NAIL BOMB had been detonated on a subway train, no evidence was provided to prove that any of the supposed injured were actually killed or maimed by flying nails. Just evidence of a smokey atmosphere in an enclosed environment, a damaged train door, blown by some explosive and a female apparently covered in blood (or raspberry juice) all over her face.
What is notable is that the organisers have made an effort to improve the DUPING DELIGHT of the victims as they are interviewed IN SITU and after the event by big mainstream media corporations.
There is sign of improvement as if to prove that the organisers have noted this to be an issue and have worked a little harder to remedy the situation to make it seem more realistic.
Psychopaths and/or Military claim to understand the general populous but they are sadly too distant from them to fully comply with real life
THERESA MAY, the SWEDISH PRIME MINISTER and VLADIMIR PUTIN of RUSSIA were all complicit in the support of the supposed terror events in their respective countries.
All three incumbents were on location at these respective events. THERESA MAY went the wrong way before someone told her to get into her nice car. SWEDISH PRIME MINISTER was on location and quick to announce that the TRUCK CRASH was an 'act of terror' (not a drunken driver out of control, or any other narrative), VLADIMIR PUTIN just happened to be in ST PETERSBURG on APRIL 3rd to meet with BELARUS PRESIDENT MR LUKASHENKO. (BELARUS is next for destruction by RUSSIA perhaps)
clear evidence that the suspect(s) accused of carrying out attacks remain elusive so that the GENERAL PUBLIC are only allowed to assume that what the MAINSTREAM MEDIA says and shows about the attack and the suspect is TRUE.
So too were the local police departments who are paid by respective governments to serve those in charge.
The dates of MARCH 22nd, APRIL 3rd and APRIL 7th are very distinctive. So too are the dates which immediatly followed them, namely MARCH 23rd, APRIL 4th and APRIL 8th.
MARCH 22nd or 3/22 (3/23)
APRIL 3rd or 4/3 (4/4)
APRIL 7th or 4/7 (4/8)
What is also interesting is the decision of BASQUE SEPARATIST GROUP known as ETA to claim that they are surrendering their weapons. This announcement made on APRIL 7th (4/7) with a follow up story on APRIL 8th (4/8)
It is probable that all 3 events were organised by NATO using the OPERATION GLADIO or GLADIO B agenda to present 3 events in quick succession around the time of the NEW FINANCIAL YEAR for 2017-18 so that perhaps all interested parties could be paid for these events.
Important to note also that despite all these alleged TERROR ATTACKS since SEPTEMBER 11th which has been proven to be a FRAUD, there are plans afoot to plan a BIG EVENT, a SECOND 9/11 somewhere in NORTH AMERICA, be it in NEW YORK CITY once more or in SEATTLE WASHINGTON STATE.
There are probably plans to shake things up in AMERICA with an EARTHQUAKE, a DAM BUST (maybe blamed on ISIS for reprisals on something going on in the MIDDLE EAST to stop a DAM being burst over there, who knowns)
What is also clear is that immediately after the supposed episode at WESMINSTER, security technologies were installed on WESMINSTER BRIDGE and new security devices installed at the gates of PARLIAMENT so SECURITY COMPANIES were complicit in the WESTMINSTER EVENT as they gain a GOVERNMENT CONTRACT to install such devices to 'prevent such an attack ever happening again for the safety of the people of LONDON'
Good day
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