Friday, 2 September 2016


This is my theoretical plan for the Middle East over the next 50 years.

A short term plan in probability because the Global plan is to create 7 regions on the Earth, condense them down to 5 regions, then 3 regions, until finally there is one region or 1 global governing system to be more precise.

NEW ISRAEL covers an area overlapping the area of SYRIA and western IRAQ (BABYLON)

A newly formed ISRAEL would take advantage of SYRIA's fighting prowess in the aftermath of the carnage caused in recent years and months. SYRIA is a nation mixed with Christians, Muslims, Yazidis, Jews, Roman Catholics. The capital DAMASCUS is just across the border from ISRAEL.

I make an extra concession for NEW ISRAEL in the Southern area because of ISRAEL's history of battle with its neighbour EGYPT.

I am theorizing that EGYPT is sacred land in some way so I cannot see much of EGYPTIAN land being ceded to ISRAEL.

NEW ISRAEL may wish to retake the SINAI PENINSULA to avenge an old battle with its neighbour.

I think the KURDS will gain their own homeland in the North of Iraq and Eastern Turkey.

I believe the nation of IRAQ will be split into 2 parts, a BABYLONIAN area and a SUMERYAN area.

I also believe that North West Iran will cede land to the Caucasus. There is a great amount of uneasy governance in the Caucasian regions of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan. A mix of cultures of former Russian states, a mix of religions of Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Turkish people, Georgian, Armenian, Former Russian areas and with that Orthodox Russian Christianity.

The nation of IRAN is probably on the Agenda to be 'changed' by Middle Eastern politics.

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