IRAN + SYRIA + NORTH KOREA is 239 in Std English Gematria. (19 letters)
The number 239 can refer to the date of 23rd September, the 266th day of the year in a standard calendar.
239 also refers to the MOON, the distance from Planet Earth to Earth's nearest satellite, the MOON.
239 also refers to the element of PLUTONIUM number 239 or Pu-239 which is a highly radioactive element.
Western forces are currently attempting to dismantle the nation of SYRIA with the help of Mercenary forces and disgruntled militias willing to take advantage of a destabilizing situation to perform ethnic cleansing for a hidden agenda.
The net effect is mass exodus (as per the Bible) of people from the Middle East seeking lands which offer safety (i.e Europe)
IRAN is on the Agenda for destabilisation. It can be attacked on its Nuclear Proliferation agenda to counteract possible attacks from Western forces intent on assisting Israeli expansion or tactical surveillance in the region (for the West)
NORTH KOREA is propping up in media news reports. Claims that President Kim Jong Un is testing nuclear tipped missiles in readyness for a potential attack on the North American mainland, namely, Alaska, California, North West American coastline.
3 nations that dare to defy New World Order unification with Banking systems independent of any Rothschild banking oligarchy.
It seems the Agenda is stalling on IRANIAN destabilsation projects and attention is focused on NORTH KOREA's Nuclear strike capability against North America which is located just 5,000 miles east across the Pacific Ocean.
NORTH KOREA, a puppet of the Chinese Communist-Capitalist regime, no doubt hated by many Chinese civilians, its failed one-child policy, its ghost cities, its inland hydro power project, its coal production quotas, its human fetus soup controversy, its tiger poaching legacy.
KIM JONG UN or KIM the Young One takes his orders from Beijing and the Pentagon no doubt.
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