Tuesday 1 March 2016


Ref: www.redicecreations.com

Ref: www.biblebelievers.org.au

I start with these two images of the Hammer and Sickle within the Square and Compass. The Masonic Order should know its own history that the original Square and Compass started with a Hammer and Sickle within its borders, and these inner symbols were then adopted as the symbols of the Soviet Communist empire.

I first heard of a man named JORDAN MAXWELL who used the phrase 'DAWN OF A NEW DAY'. Mr Maxwell explained that this phrase has been well known to the 'Ruling Elite' as a Communist Slogan or phrase.

Mr Maxwell claims that this phrase is important to understand. He says that Communist symbolism has been seen in Barack Obama's logo for his presidency campaign of 2008.

The dirty little secret about Communists, the inner circle at least, is that they are extremely rich. So Communism is very useful to their purposes. The people stay poor or become poorer while the Elitists stay rich or get richer. It is their respective destinies, both rich and poor, they believe.

A shortened version of this term was used back in 1989. A duet by Wyclef Jean and Bono (of U2). The song was sung for charity and formed part of an album.

9 songs from 1989 to 2013 have the name NEW DAY, 8 of them written between 2004 to 2013.

I also noticed that 'NEW DAY' became more popular in modern culture. From 2004 up to 2016 the term is slowly gaining popularity through a drip drip process of dissemination.

The popular medium of American wrestling through the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). In 2014 a new group or stable was created which was called: NEW DAY.

WWE considers itself as popular sporting entertainment for the masses. The owners must compete with 4 other very very popular sporting professions, namely: BASEBALL, AMERICAN FOOTBALL, ICE HOCKEY and BASKETBALL, as well as developing sports such as WORLD FOOTBALL and ULTIMATE FIGHTING.

So it seems innocent and benign as this simple phrase: NEW DAY is rolled out across different media platforms.

A TV programme called NEW DAY was started by CNN in USA in January 2013.

Now a new newspaper has been created in Britain. It is called NEW DAY (Wikipedia says that it is created by Trinity Mirror on 29th February 2016)

29th February only appears on a leap year, and 2016 is a Leap Year, same for 2012, the year that the London Olympics were held.

A man wrote a novel in 1949 called NEW DAY about life in Jamaica regarding how the leaders were portrayed in the foreign press.

The Wrestling group called NEW DAY are African-American, one from Florida, one from Georgia, another is Ghanaian-American. It is 65 years from 1948 to 2014 when NEW DAY wrestling team was formed.

NEW DAY can be just a benign thing in life, but its continued rise in popularity across popular media platforms, and knowing that it originally derives from the longer phrase of DAWN OF A NEW DAY shows how it is perhaps deliberately introduced with a slowly-slowly approach onto the world stage.

It harkens the dawn of a Socialist Communist Fascist system by the back door.


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