Saturday 12 March 2016


CHICAGO + ILLINOIS + ELEVENTH MARCH = 144 Pythagorean Gematria.

There was a protest at a DONALD TRUMP rally in Chicago Illinois on Friday 11th March 2016.

11th March 2016 was the 71st day of the year. The 5th Anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi incident in Japan.


CHICAGO is 46 Std English, ILLINOIS is 99 Std English.

PROTESTS is 33 in Pythagorean Gematria,

The date of 3/11 can produce 3x11 =33. 

ILLINOIS is known as 'THE LINCOLN STATE' a reference to Abraham Lincoln, although I believe Mr Lincoln originally came from a state further west.

DONALD TRUMP is 138 in Std English, 48 Pythagorean, 48 Chaldean. 

TRUMP is 88 in Std English.

Who is DONALD TRUMP ? A Man builds an empire in the Building industry, creates a show called 'THE APPRENTICE'

Now he is running to be the next President of the United States. He is another stooge, another puppet on the stage, waiting to take centre stage in the White House in Washington DC.

If an Actor called Ronald Reagan (Ray-Gun) could get to be the Chief Executive of District Columbia, anyone can.

TRUMP is the TRUMP Card, the Ace in the Pack, or maybe the Joker. ACES high or ACES low, time will tell.

He's got a big mouth but can he WALK THE TALK ?

Big Words, Big Promises but sadly WORLD WAR 3 starts on NOVEMBER 26th 2016 so SHUT UP DONNIE!

Another stage managed presidential run.

GIVE UP or GO TO THE UNDERGROUND BUNKER, eat fresh vegetables that the people you preach to can only dream about in Junk Food heaven.


CLINTON, the writings on the film reel, I've seen DIVERGENT, I've seen HUNGER GAMES.

I see a trend towards female leaders, confer with Germany, Myanmar, Croatia, Brazil, Argentina.

I've seen the trailer for CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR.

Nothing breeds success and power more than WAR. WORLD WAR, CIVIL WAR, what difference does it make ?

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