Thursday, 30 March 2017


It is claimed that  company named as CRISIS SOLUTIONS arranged a simulation of an attack based upon similiar scenarios witnessed in European cities such as BERLIN, BRUSSELS, MUNICH, NICE and PARIS.

A snapshot of CRISIS SOLUTIONS website
located at MAYFAIR, near the ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS, just north of WESTMINSTER BRIDGE.

To understand what may have occurred in the CITY OF WESTMINSTER on MARCH 22nd (OSTARA), one needs to understand the history and development of what is known as TERRORISM.

The people of BRITAIN have come ot understand and accept the reality of TERRORISM through the medium of a group of IRISH NATIONALS who decided to create a movement called THE IRA (IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY). To understand the foundations of the IRA, one would have to look into the history of IRELAND, The Celtic culture, The Vikings, The British Empire etc.

It may be fair to say that TERRORISM can take some time to develop in an individual or a nation which then leads to something being done to remedy a solution against what is perceived as a powerful adversary.

Many empires in history were developed on the back of war, bloodshed, tears and suffering, cf. GHENGHIS KHAN, PERSIANS, ROMANS, TURKS etc.

Many things must be considered as to what foments TERRORISM.

The NEW WORLD ORDER declared a WAR ON TERRORISM which is really about moving towards a NEO FEUDAL state upon the planet through the mediums of TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE and NATURE (and MASONIC organisations are rather fond of SCIENCE and NATURE)

The continuation of such TERRORIST ATTACKS (as they are described by the lamestream media) reminds me of a film made in 1997 starring MICHAEL DOUGLAS.

A Rich business, getting bored with the humdrum of life, decided to try something new in his life on advice of a waywood brother he hadn't seen for some time.

His brother introduces him to a reality game company which sets up tempoary offices wherever they operate.

THE GAME is about MICHAEL DOUGLAS character and how he goes from real life scenario to real life scenario little realising that each situation had been meticulously planned in advance of THE GAME even commencing.

All the major people he meets after signing the THE GAME contract are members of the TEAM (eg a man hands a black pen to DOUGLAS' character at an airport (one of the TEAM of ACTORS)

Many people in the TRUTH COMMUNITY should by now realise that what is unfolding is a VIRTUAL REALITY matrix where TERROR ATTACKs are being staged on the premise that millions of people believe them to be ACTUAL FACTUAL reality events.

CRISIS SOLUTIONS's advantage is that the general public cannot tell the difference between a REAL LIFE SCENARIO and VIRTUAL REALITY scenario (also known as a TERRORIST TRAINING DRILL)

Even if they do, people will become villified by those around them who suffer from 'Cognitive Dissonance' or 'Group Think' and will challenge those who think differently from the COLLECTIVE agreement on a situation.

Even if people realise that the WESTMINSTER TERROR ATTACK was actually a TRAINING DRILL, they may come to the realisation that it actually good for authorities to be ready for a TERRORIST ATTACK.

The organisers of such events work in the knowledge that the General Public cannot and will not be able to rise up EN MASS to speak up against a TRAINING DRILL because of their knowledge and understanding of TERRORISM being a real problem in society.

It is probable that when nations like UNITED STATES and UNITED KINGDOM come together in some 'COALITON OF THE WILLING' to oust Dictators from power, then leave a POWER VACUUM in its place, they absolutely know that MOBSTERS, CRIMINALS, DRUG LORDS and the like will come in to fill the void left by such people as SADDAM HUSSEIN.

Britain and America's top military brass, top economic advisers, top political advisers all KNOW that such acts of aggression in a foreign land will ONE DAY come back to haunt them.

The people who are most likely to suffer will be THE GOYIM, THE PLEBEIANS, THE PROLETARIAT, THE COMMON PEOPLE.


So the WESTMINSTER TERROR ATTACK (As described by lamestream media) was a TRAINING DRILL to allow for many AGENDAS to be fulfilled.

It allows for THERESA MAY's government to further ONLINE SURVEILLANCE of the British public with the SNOOPER'S CHARTER

It therefore allows more funding for GCHQ, MI5, MI6 and 77th BRIGADE.

It allows more funding and staffing of BRITISH POLICE so that more officers can be trained in SEMI AUTOMATIC FIREARMS and then carry them on the streets of major UK cities.

It allows for SOCIAL MEDIA outlets to me monitored and data gathered on all members of British society.

It allows for the promotion of less vehicles on public roads (by the General Public) or Driverless cars, remote controlled vehicles.

It allows for the demonisation of all sharp implements, not just KNIVES and MACHETES for example.

BREXIT allows for the General Public to forget there was a terror attack on the grounds of the CITY OF WESTMINSTER/CITY OF LONDON which is slightly different to the rest of LONDON as far as I know.

It allows for British Police to potentially have SHOOT TO KILL policy if a Police Officer has suspicion that an individual may be acting suspiciously or is unresponsive to WARNINGS from said Police Officer.

It provides further protection to certain buildings like WINDSOR CASTLE (Royal Family) and HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT (which needs repair, along with BIG BEN)

It provides further protection to British Politicians who may or may not be serving the British public very well  (cf Paedophile rings, Bribes, investment in stocks and shares, second homes.

It provides further chance for authorities to monitor those who SPEAK or WRITE about these TRAINING DRILLS

The work of the PRESS to inundate the Public with uptodate NEWS REPORTS on the WESTMINSTER TRAINING EVENT was overwhelming.

I struggle to understand how such outlets as the DAILY MAIL or DAILY EXPRESS could produce 10 long articles in the few day after the event.

I have seen how YOU in the MEDIA and INTELLIGENCE services have taken note of BLOGGERS and VLOGGERS and learned how to SMUDGE out images of ACTORS faces in the TRAINING EVENT or show photos of ACTORS backsides.

I have seen how you decided not to share hours of CCTV footage from the area. I have seen how you decided to use EXTRAS to run across a road and scream a bit. I have seen you have used individuals to FILM an event on iPHONES so that it looks hip and trendy.

The real purpose of the TRAINING DRILL is to accelerate an AGENDA so that laws and regulations come in quicker than if a real TERROR ATTACK occurred.

It quickens an AGENDA for ARISTOCRATIC masters who serve the RICH ELITE in the shadows and companies like CRISIS SOLUTIONS are merely pawns in a bigger game to be used and tossed aside so that they too in future will live under the boot of a TECHNOLOGICAL, SCIENTIFIC TYRANNY.

So it is easier to KISS ASS, take the MONEY and SUCK UP to your masters who can probably catch you with your pants down with a rent boy or doing a dodgy arms deal with a third world dictator.

Take the MONEY, fuck the people and let the STREET THEATRE continue.

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