Tuesday, 20 December 2016


I placed locations of previous terror episodes on the map out of interest. I then placed a PENTAGON shape to line up with the shape formed by joining the dots between BRUSSELS, PARIS and NICE.

Note that 19th December is the start of SATURNALIA in the Roman Calendar of festivals. It is 6 days short of CHRISTMAS DAY. (From 17th -23rd December)

19th December was a MONDAY which is a MOON DAY. The moon is a waning half-moon moving towards a NEW MOON or BLACK MOON by 29th December.

There could be a follow up terror episode perhaps 10 days later in Germany on the 29th December 2016 as part of the NEW MOON/BLACK MOON sacrifice.

NINETEENTH DECEMBER is 169 Std English and 88 Pythagoras, 

NINETEENTH is 44 Chaldean Gematria, DECEMBER is 30 Chaldean (74 Chaldean)

GERMANY is 83 Std English, 38 Pythagoras
BERLIN is 60 Std English, 33 Pythagoras

Total of 143 Std English or 71 Pythagoras (13 Letters)

(39 Chaldean)

SWITZERLAND is 151 Std English, 52 Pythagoras
ZURICH is 85 Std English, 40 Pythagoras

Total of 236 Std English, 92 Pythagoras (17 Letters)

(41/24=65 Chaldean)

TURKEY is 100 Std English, 46 Pythagoras
ANKARA is 46 Std English, 19 Pythagoras

Total of 146 Std English, 65 Pythagoras  (12 Letters)

(20/12=32 Chaldean)

So 42 Letters + MONDAY NINETEENTH DECEMBER is24  = 66 Letters.

image of the PYTHAGOREAN TRIANGLE in CENTRE adjoined by 3 SQUARES which fit the length of each respective side

PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLE placed onto a map.

83 years ago was 1933, a year that saw the start of the decline of the German empire.

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