Thursday 20 October 2016


I don't believe this story has actually happened.


At no point does the witchcraft media give a motive for the murders, or how the killers actually got into the house. The emphasis is all upon a psychotic murder episode and not the finer details of this episode.

This news story was presented on Tuesday 18th October 2016 by the witchcraft media.

It is claimed the murder episode occurred on 13th-15th April 2016. So let's say it occurred on 14th April.

14/4/2016  (14/4)

There is 188 days difference between the day of the 'murders' and the day it was reported by the media.

FOURTEENTH APRIL is 188 Std English

DAWSON AVENUE is 144 Std or 45 Pythagoras

SPALDING is 82 Std or 37 Pythagoras
LINCOLNSHIRE is 138 Std or 66 Pythagoras

DOUBLE MURDER is 138 Std, 57 Pythagoras

ELIZABETH EDWARDS (EE or 33) is 162 Std,72 Pythagoras

KATE EDWARDS is 120 Std or 48 Pythagoras

So 282 Std (Twit-Twoo) or 120 Pythagoras

I checked the news records which shows that witchcraft media reported on this story on 17th April 2016 (Monday).

BBC news report image
ELIZABETH, 49 years old, KATIE,13 years old
(who took these photographs?)

KATIE seen wearing something PURPLE (88 Std English)
Image of Elizabeth Edwards and Katie Edwards (Where is the father?)
ELIZABETH with short dark hair, KATIE with fair blonde hair
(Who took this photograph?)

I believe this story proves that what information is OMITTED is the most telling part about it, not the fairy story-telling report presented by witchcraft media.

This event is said to have occurred in SPALDING, LINCOLNSHIRE. I'm not convinced that very much happens in LINCOLNSHIRE which is not too far from the Royal Family's retreat in Sandringham, Norfolk, near The Wash.

This story raises the issue once more about MENTAL HEALTH, PSYCHIATRY, and the state of MENTAL HEALTH in CHILDREN or MINORS

Maybe that's what this particular story is really about.

Two 14 year old teenagers are accused of murdering a Mother and Daughter on a small 8 home fenced off street in Spalding Lincolnshire.

It is claimed that they were a boy and girl, the boy was said to have commited both murders because the girl didn't want to do it.

After the murders, they stuck around the house, had a bath, had sex, then watched 4 (from 5) vampire movies called TWILIGHT which document the battle between VAMPIRES and WEREWOLVES.

The killer decided to simply leave a valuable piece of evidence, i.e THE KNIFE in the house so forensic detectives could get a nice finger print off it.

It is claimed that the killers 'Meticulously planned' the murders while walking along a local river and spending time in a local MCDONALDs restaurant.

Only one witness was interviewed, a JOAN BLANDFORD,  bland name for a bland lady (note J/B for JACHIN and BOAZ, the 2 pillars of Masonry)

BBC image
picture of the murder weapon, a knife
note the BLUE table, pink or purple items on display, a white watch, a couple of boxes. a RED box also.


image of flowers laid outside a house (by whom?)
nice work if you're a florist

The 'murders' were described as 'Callous, Cold and Calculating' 

3 words beginning with C (3).

It is claimed that the boy killed the two females while they were sleeping. How did he and her girlfriend enter a house which presumably has a house alarm ?

He stabbed the woman in the neck twice, and six times in the body, then checked her pulse. So in the middle of a frenzied attack on two people, who were sleeping, he only stabbed ELIZABETH 8 times, and then he moved onto KATIE, he stabbed her twice in the throat, then he decided to smother her face with a pillow at which KATIE retorted, 'I CAN'T BREATHE' even though she had been stabbed in the throat twice.

So ELIZABETH had 8 stab wounds (remember the 2 stab wound in the throat) and KATIE was stabbed twice (in the throat) then smothered.

The two 14 year old killers (14=7+7 or 77, 77) decided to chill out, have a bath, have sex and watch TWILIGHT movies (either in the murder house or elsewhere).

I don't understand how the POLICE actually caught up with them unless witnesses identified them or the two teenagers phoned police and said 'WE DID IT'

The two teenagers pre-arranged to commit suicide after the killings but they changed their minds and decided against it

In a police interview it is claimed that the girl confessed 'I felt like killing for quite a while', and that after the killings she 'felt fine'

These are the musings of a PSYCHOPATH.

Has the witchcraft media done a fine job of attempting to make the public focus on small time pychopaths rather than the big time psychopaths who like to start wars, release new viruses on the world or experiment on children or animals in the advancement of science for the 'greater good' of humanity ?

There are many scenarios to this episode

ELIZABETH EDWARDS and KATIE EDWARDS are/were real people but they moved away from the area some time ago.

They were killed but the real story is far stranger than this one

They agreed to this storyline so they could get some money to pay the bills

A member of a local witch coven wrote a story on demand from a senior member, submitted it to a local media outlet, the mainstream witchcraft news picked up the story because it fits the description of something they are really interested in, namely, MENTAL HEALTH issues and published in on 17th APRIL, a time around which strange things happen,people go missing etc etc

3 things about this story
NO MOTIVE is given for the murders
So is this an Easter bunny murder story or did nothing actually happen and 'Elizabeth and Katie' emigrated to Australia, where their Husband is to be found ?

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