Monday 22 February 2016


Another health scare in the form of MENINGITIS, or MENINGITIS B, sometimes reduced to MEN B or 32+2 or 322. 3x22=66, Spring Equinox or Base number 7.

MEN B or 14/2 Pythagoras or 142. August 11th is the 223rd day of the year with 142 days remaining.

The date is MONDAY 22nd FEBRUARY 2016. This is a Monday or  MOON-day and the Moon is near FULL MOON which is on 24th February 2016. February 22nd is the 53rd day of the year or Winter Solstice in the Roman Calendar. There are 313 days left in the year. FEBRUARY is FEVRIER which sounds like FEVER or can also refer to a SMITH (Iron Man).

The day is also written as 2/22 or 222 (Triple 2)

MONDAY + TWENTY SECOND + FEBRUARY is 119 Pythagorean Gematria.
FEBRUARY is 96 which is equal to FREEMASON which is also 96. The number 96 is the mirror of 69 which is the symbol for PISCES, also associated with CANCER (The Crab). 6+9 merged together makes the 8 or infinity, the Ogdoad.

I heard that a 7 year old child named MASON was allegedly struck down with MENINGITIS, and later died. So the MASONS/FREEMASONS already have their name on this episode.

So MENINGITIS is 119 in Std English (if 9/11 has any significance, this is the mirror image of that number)

Add B and you have 121 or 11x11.

MENINGITIS B is 58 in Pythagorean Gematria equal with FREEMASONRY which is 58 in Pythagorean Gematria.

This story has been bolstered by the story that a retired Rugby star's son developed MENINGITIS. Namely Matt Dawson (130 Std English)

One way to sell something to the dumbed-down masses is to deploy the celebrity. Real or not, the Celebrity (Sports, TV, Acting) add real weight to a cause, as shown through the promotion of Charitable causes and TV Advertising.

So the call goes out for all those people with children to rush to get their offspring vaccinated against the threat of MENINGITIS.

As far as I am aware, MENINGITIS can be spotted as persistence rashes that develop on the skin, which if tested by a glass cup, if you roll the glass over the spots and the redness does not dissipate in any way, then you have a MENINGITIS rash.

But it is also important that the symptoms are correctly diagnosed, by a professional. It is also important for parents to take quick action to remedy the situation, either through a GP or Accident and Emergency admission.

There may or may not be a cure for MENINGITIS, natural or otherwise, but a knee-jerk reaction to promote VACCINATIONS is the usual government directive in this case.

MENINGITIS B + VACCINE + MATT DAWSON is 119 Pythagorean Gematria.

MENINGITIS B + VACCINE is 88 in Pythagorean Gematria.

MENINGITIS B VACCINATION is 232 in Std English (cf 322/223/323 combinations)

MENINGITIS B + MONDAY+ TWENTY SECOND + FEBRUARY is 177 in Pythagorean Gematria.

OR  133-B in Chaldean Gematria.







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