Wednesday 6 January 2016



KOLN+DEUTSCHLAND = 55 Pythagorean Gematria.

This is about the alleged Migrant Rape Attacks on women in COLOGNE, Western Germany.

Cologne has seen recent protests on the streets on how the German government made allowance for migrants/refugees to enter German territory.

The allegation is that a gang or gangs of migrants took advantage of this situation and found an easy target in Cologne's female population.

It has been reported that many of the newly arrived migrants range from 18-45 in age, mostly men, mostly troublesome.

Alan Watt, in one of his radio lectures, said that what often happens in these situations is the first people to arrive are the worst kind, namely rapists, paedophiles, gangsters, criminals of various types. The government should be aware, or perhaps they are FULLY aware of this fact, without informing the public.

Another issue is that Europe is being deliberately inundated with migrants/refugees from the middle east and maybe further afield. This is to dilute a WHITE dominant region of earth, namely EUROPE and allow the infiltration of migrants to challenge the WHITE RACE. This in turn will lead to more interracial relationships as well as sterilisation programmes to weaken the influence of native white people in European nations.

Both North America and Europe, as well as other white dominant areas, are key targets for infiltration of immigrants.

The influence of conflict in the middle east, caused by western forces leaves white dominant cultures facing a future of guilt for their leaders actions and the conflict displaces innocent men, women and children albeit Muslims, Christians, Jews, Yazidis or any other background.

But it is also important to consider who or what is not affected by this AGENDA. With the middle east evacuated it becomes an easy target to conquer, but for whom or what nation or organisation ?

Someone or some organisation stands to benefit from it. And the global rulers fully understand the timeline of how this works. They know that when conflict occurs, people are displaced,a migrant population develops, land is left vacant. It is a well known script or plan of action.


The words COLOGNE + GERMANY are 154 in Standard English and 73 in Pythagorean, 54 in Chaldean Gematria.

COLOGNE is 7 letters, GERMANY is 7 letters or 7/7.

COLOGNE is 71 in Standard English,35 in Pythagorean gematria, 33 in Chaldean Gematria,

COLOGNE RAPE is 111 in Standard English

(666 in English Gematria, 321 in Jewish Gematria, 57 Pythagorean Gematria, 49 Chaldean Gematria)


(image from

(image from

The image of FC KOLN (COLOGNE) Football club Logo was projected onto the HOOVER DAM, on the COLORADO RIVER in USA in about MAY of 2015.

Only 6 months later in the West German city of COLOGNE, the story of Migrants raping women is thrust into the limelight by the mainstream media.

This is 244 days approximately (8 months, or about 33 weeks)

FC KOLN logo features a GOAT with its front legs on top of an FC KOLN circular logo in RED, WHITE and BLACK (or RUBEDO, ALBEDO, NIGREDO). It also features two pillars in the circle

The GOAT is the astrological symbol for CAPRICORN, and the story or Rape in COLOGNE surfaces in the sign of CAPRICORN (The GOAT)

A GOAT and a RAM also look identical to each other.

The word COLOGNE is similar tot he English word COLON, and the COLON is found in the rectum or large intestine of the human body.

COLON can also be the Portuguese word for DOVE. The name COLUMBUS (I.e Christopher) also means DOVE.

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