This report
includes other stories which I thought may be relevant. BBC News reports unless otherwise stated. This report is overshadowed by Migrants, Middle East, North Korea, US Politics, Australian Open Tennis, Stock Market problems, so the BULLSH*T MEDIA wasn't too interested in another nasty PANDEMIC.
5th January 2016
Olympic Stadium (Rio De Janeiro) cut off
over unpaid bills (sky news)
Thursday 7th
January 2016
UN: woman or child raped
every 26 seconds(sky news)
Saturday 9th
January 2016
Pregnant mum dies trying
to save son from fire (sky news)
Tuesday 12th
January 2016
Anti malaria drug made
former sailor 'suicidal' (sky news)
15th January 2016
Brazil's port fire
unleashes toxic gas
Sunday 17th
January 2016
Brazil chemical fire out
after 2 days
Air pollution one of
world's biggest health issues, WHO warns (ITV news)
Britain 'lagging behind'
on reducing number of stillbirths (ITV news)
Thursday 21st January 2016
More Brazil babies
affected by Zika (Virus)
Pharmaceutical giants
unite to tackle 'superbugs' threat (ITV News)
Premature twins hold hands
for first time in touching video (ITV news)
Friday 22nd January 2016
(ITV News)
Zika Virus: women told to delay
pregnancy over birth defects
23rd January 2016
Zika virus triggers pregnancy
3 Britons infected with Zika virus
(ITV News)
Protein in breast milk
could wipe out superbugs (sky news)
Sunday 24th January 2016
Rio (De Janeiro) announces Olympics
Zika plans
Monday 25th January 2016
Brazil sees second mass
prison breakout
(Bill) Gates and (George) Osborne in £3bn
pledge to fight Malaria (ITV news)
Tuesday 26th
January 2016
Zika virus 'to spread
across Americas' (ITV news)
Wednesday 27th
January 2016
Zika virus: fears grow as
Danish tourist tests positive (ITV news)
I think the ZIKA
VIRUS emerged on 20th January because BBC News presented a
story that more women had been affected by ZIKA VIRUS on 21sth
January 2016.
ZIKA VIRUS is 136 Standard
English, 2211 in Jewish Gematria. I heard reports of it causing
problems in NORTH EAST BRAZIL= 188 Std English, 71 Pythagoras.
I think reports came in
from SOUTH EAST BRAZIL=196 std English, 61 Pythagoras, possibly in
the city of RIO DE JANEIRO=123 Std English.
ZIKA VIRUS has allegedly
affected females all over South and Central America.
It is apparentlly spread
by the AEDES AEGYPTI Mosquito. Now, there's a reference to EGYPT with
a Mosquito affecting females in BRAZIL and South America.
Are any men affected by
these Mosquitoes ?
The ZIKA VIRUS causes an
underdeveloped cranium which means that the baby has a full sized face
but a smaller head than normal, and some or many of these babies eventually die
from this deformity.
239 in Standard English. I mention this number because I discovered
it during the The Pope's planned visit to North America in September
of 2015. So the number 239 can represent the date of SEPTEMBER 23rd,
which is the 266th day of the year. Also a human foetus
takes 266 days in gestation before it is eventually ready to be born.
Another point is that 239 may also refer to the element of PLUTONIUM
known as Pu-239. The Number 239 may also refer to a distance from
Earth to the Moon, I.e 239,000 miles distance to the moon.
The MOON was moving
towards FULL MOON status at about Sunday 24th January 2016
(SUN/MOON) before receding back to NEW MOON or BLACK MOON by Tuesday
9th February (MARS/MOON).
Now the words MOSQUITO and
PREGNANCY are both 33 in Pythagorean Gematria. (Also BRAZIL and
JANUARY is 33 Chaldean Gematria.) These are also two KEY words in the
ZIKA VIRUS report. PREGNANT women are affected, and the culprit is a
MOSQUITO (albeit EGYPTIAN). And a subtle reference to EGYPT can
ZIKA VIRUS has been
described as a potential EXPLOSIVE PANDEMIC, so ZIKA VIRUS +
EXPLOSIVE PANDEMIC is 130 Pythagorean Gematria (13)
Std English, CENTRAL AMERICA is 123 Std English, same as RIO DE
It is reported that the
ZIKA VIRUS could affect FOUR MILLION=144 Std English.
This story emerged in the
sign of CAPRICORN (The Goat), ruled by SATURN, moving into AQUARIUS
(Water Bearer) ruled by Saturn and Uranus. SATURN currently sits in SAGITTARIUS (The Archer/Hunter with his Bow(ie)). It may have caused
problems in RIO DE JANEIRO which means RIVER OF JANUARY or JANUARY
BRAZIL is part of BRICS
(Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)
There was a news report
relating to BIL GATES and funding for MALARIA. Also another story of
how a Sailor developed difficulties with a Malaria drug that was
administered to him.
The word ZIKA denotes
something Feminine in Romance languages and Portuguese is a
Romance/Latin language.
The nation of BRAZIL will
host the SUMMER OLYMPIC GAMES in AUGUST of this year and the
authorities may try to Vaccinate or at least process Brazilians and
visitors tot he Olympics in RIO DE JANEIRO to contain or control the
VIRUS (88 Std English).
In terms of GEOMANCY the
shape of BRAZIL looks like a face or head, so NORTH EAST BRAZIL would
be the NOSE area, and RIO DE JANEIRO would be the Mouth of the face
of a man that resembles a native Indian face. (I refer you to the
work of THEGROXT1 at YOUTUBE for World Maps)
Is this a real phenomenon
or some type of BIOLOGICAL WEAPON ? ZIKA VIRUS + BILL GATES is 223 Std English (cf 223/232/322, Spring Equinox, Aries, March)
There could be a 23/32
code ongoing in news. BRAZIL=32 Pythagorean.