CONSTANTINOPLE is 177 in Standard English.
The ISTANBUL AIRPORT is named after MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK, the first leader of the nation of TURKEY, born in 1881.
ATATURK is similar to the word ATTACK
ISTANBUL could be written as I-STAN-BUL or EYE-SATAN-BULL
It could be a reference to ALDEBARAN, the RED EYE of the BULL.
ZACHARY K HUBBARD (YOUTUBE) claims that the ISTANBUL episode comes 98 days after the BRUSSELS BOMBING episode on March 22nd 2016 (322).
ISTANBUL is 98 Std English.
TURKEY is 100 Std English and 28 Pythagoras.
Reports claim that 41 people died and 239 people were injured. Total number is 280 which matches the date of the episode of 28th June 2016. It is the 180th day of the year. It is the 13th day of GEMINI in Sidereal Astrology. It is also the last of VESTALIA in the ROMAN CALENDAR if you count 13 days back to 15th June 2016. So maybe a connection to the JO COX episode in Birstall England.
SUICIDE BOMBERS is 144 in Standard English.
Who is this? (blurred image)
What is this? A fire bomb ?
Why is Airport security filming it on an iPhone on a CCTV screen ?
Who is this? A man carrying a person who is blurred by the media. A smaller person than the man, either walking or running somewhere
Who is this man? a lasting legacy of this episode is the appearance of an individual wearing military or paramilitary fatigues, with helmet, backpack (bomb?) and Automatic or Semi-Automatic firearm
Who are these men? Istanbul's finest cops holding Automatic firearms ?
IS this man a terrorist ? Who are these people ?
8 men standing around looking at people on the road dressed in white one-suits. Bio Hazard outfits. Who are these people ?
Someone has a bright light, someone else has a telephoto lens camera. How many men does it take to check that someone is dead or lying down?
Another lasting legacy of this episode is the sight of people in HAZMAT or BIO-HAZARD or FORENSIC INVESTIGATION suits.
Who are the 2 women and the man behind them? Where did the water bottles come from and is there a toilet nearby in case they need a pee?
Where did she get the wound dressing. Why is older woman looking at camera ?
What is old man doing in the background ?
This woman looks African, Who is she?
What is she contemplating ? Got a bomb in your bag?
Old woman sitting down on road, bearded man crouching down, a woman beside her leaning over woman on floor in red headscarf. Who are these people? The woman might be having a baby.
Investigate these people so that they be eliminated from enquiries
3 JAMES BOND Franchise films featured ISTANBUL or TURKEY in their plots
SKYFALL (2012)
and another film called TAKEN 2 (2012) a sequel to the first film, TAKEN (filmed in and around PARIS)
A TV Drama called CONSTANTINE which first aired on OCTOBER 24th 2014 and ended on its 13th episode on FEBRUARY 13th 2015 (LUPERCALIA)
The legacy of another episode, a 'Terrorist Attack' is to keep momentum on the back of an episode in ORLANDO FLORIDA, and then another episode one week later with the JO COX MP episode, and a SHOOTING episode in VIERNHEIM in Germany.
Issues are:
Increased security at Airports
Full Body Scanners
Facial Recognition
Identification technology
Technology manufacturers (ID, Microchips, Body Scanners, Facial recognition, Fingerprinting)