Thursday, 24 November 2016


A female by the name of JO COX was allegedly murdered (i.e  verbally abused, physically assaulted, stabbed and shot)

The name JO COX could just be a mnemonic used by the real instigators to be a cornerstone in british history because JO COX sounds like JOKE OX (BULL/COW) or even JOKERS (cf DZHOKAR TSARNAEV and the BOSTON MARATHON BOMBING 2013 (Hoax))

The purpose of this murder episode may be for the authorities to test the reaction of the blogging and vlogging world to see how they reported on this event in opposition to mainstream media.

It should be assumed that british intelligence, british media, british military, masons, witch covens, satanists, or whoever it may concern, can analyse not only this blog via BLOGGER but also analyze/review vloggers at popular social media outlet YOUTUBE.

It is nonetheless important to discover whether a real murder occurred at the location of BIRSTALL, location of a statue in honour of JOESPH PRIESTLEY who discovered OXYGEN and was interested in other things such as ENLIGHTENMENT MOVEMENT for example.

1.  Was it a real murder ?
2.  was it a hoax?
3. was it a training drill?

4. what did the organisers of this episode intend to achieve?
e.g protection for politicians, awareness of neo-nazism, awareness of knife crime in britain, installation of more CCTV cameras in Birstall.

It is imporotant to consider the bad issues and the good issues that may arise from this 'murder episode'.

The murder investigation seemed to conclude upon the date of 22nd November 2016. This date is synonymous with the 'assassination' of JOHN F KENNEDY in DALLAS, TEXAS on NOVEMBER 22nd 1963 (53 years ago)

So there's a date connection between JFK's 'assassination' and the conclusion of JO COX's murder investigation.

From 16th June 2016 (date of JO COX's alleged murder) to 22nd November 2016 is 161 days or 5 months and 8 days or 23 weeks. Interesting numbers because 161 looks like an inverted or concealed 9/11.  5/8 is a number for FREEMASONRY (58 pythagoras). I also think that 5/8 makes reference to a VENUS-EARTH Connection and the shape of a PENTAGRAM (STAR).
23 can refer to 23 base pairs of DNA in the human body.

JO COX's murderer was sentenced to life in prison, so the man who is named as THOMAS MAIR exits stage left and is never seen again (no doubt the Press will keep us informed of his progress in prison over the years to remind us of this historic moment in british history, to regurgitate the trauma)

THOMAS MAIR is a veiled reference to TAMMUZ and MARY (MARY is ISIS). So the killer's name bears reference to something harking back to the MIDDLE EAST, BABYLON, CHALDEA, CANAAN that sort of thing.

The name JO COX has many interpretations. COX can refer to COCK, PHALLUS, PENIS. The initials J.C is 13 in Standard English, a reference to JESUS CHRIST. As mentioned previously, JO COX can be interpreted as JOKERS, or JOKE OX (BULL, COW, TAURUS, VENUS)

JO COX is 67 Std English or 22 Pythagoras, 24 or 23 Chaldean gematria.


Is the man with the name of BRENDAN COX a missing member of the GALLAGHER family?

I can't escape the feeling that COX's face looks similiar to that of LIAM GALLAGHER and NOEL GALLGHER, brothers in the pop group OASIS.

We are led to assume that the GALLAGHER BROTHERS are just MUSICIANS but is there anything more to be discovered about them?

Is MANCHESTER a hot bed of theatrical talent, famous for Singers, dancers, actors, entertainers ?


This is a comparison of the original photo given by the PRESS of a man by the name of THOMAS MAIR (left)
on the right is an updated photograph of a man who has been named as THOMAS MAIR.

THOMAS MAIR (left) and DERREN BROWN (right)

Here is a photo comparison of the updated image for a man named as THOMAS MAIR and the man on the right has the name of DERREN BROWN who is known to british audiences as a Magician, Tricksters, Psychological Manipulator-extraordinaire (That's MAGIC in Simple English)

Note that a british TV channel (CHANNEL 4 I believe) aired a TV Show for HALLOWE'EN. The man named DERREN BROWN presented 3 or 4 scenarios in the show. These were psychological scenarios set in real life with real people and 'actors' or 'stooges'

One scenario was that a couple were on their way to see a parent who had a new boyfriend. Unbeknownst to the couple,the boyfriend was presented to the audience as a MURDERER (SERIAL KILLER)

The point is that this programme could have been produced, say 6 months in advance of the TV SHOW date of 31st OCTOBER 2016. That would make the time of about JUNE or JULY 2016.

So the man who takes the name of DERREN BROWN (bear in mind that many actors, entertainers etc use pseudonyms and in truth we the public know next to nothing about our much loved entertainers in all their respective professions)

So 'DERREN BROWN (D/B=4/2, 42) could have set up and participated in these REALITY TV scenarios AND participate in the JO COX murder training psychological warfare drill for example.

Or it is simply a case that the face of THOMAS MAIR has morphed into a face that looks remarkably like the man with the name of DERREN BROWN who is apparently a MAGICIAN by any other description (or PSYCHOLOGICAL TRICKSTER)

JO COX MP (left)  RACHEL WOODING (right)

An image of JO COX MP with brown hair and her long hair placed into the form of a pony tail.
RACHEL WOODING (Actress/Singer) appearing on BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT on ITV.
Brown eyes, thick brown eyebrows.
It is possible that JO COX and RACHEL WOODING are/were not the same person. They could just be related to each other like SISTERS or HALF SISTERS for example.
JO COX (left) and SISTER (right)

The female on the right is allege to be JO COX MP's sister. She appeared to speak about her 'sister' at the site of the statue of JOSEPH PRIESTLY in BIRSTALL (BURST-ALL/BEAR STALL)

It is claimed that she was trying very hard not to laugh at her own sister's memorial with JO COX's 'mother and father' also in attendance (It is also alleged that JO COX's parents participated in the FORENSICS investigation after the murder, wearing white coveralls, boots etc)
PARENTS and FORENSICS EXPERTS (what a combination)


Female known as TRACY BRABIN (Actress/Coronation Street)
This female took the seat of JO COX MP of BATLEY AND SPEN
TRACY BRABIN allegedly has a connection with RACHEL WOODING who also appeared on popular SOAP OPERA called CORONATION STREET
I think TRACY BRABIN was seen wearing BLACK and RED colours at the BY ELECTION victory
The colours may refer to something Satanic or Masonic in nature (A Colour code)

Map of BIRSTALL (small circle), WEST YORKSHIRE and MANCHESTER (big circle)

BIRSTALL is not too far from MANCHESTER, 20 or 30 miles. Not far from the CORONATION STREET film set.

The female known as JO COX appeared from nowhere to take the seat of BATLEY AND SPEN, so next to nothing is known to the public about this individual.

The correlation between RACHEL WOODING from CORONATION STREET and JO COX MP and TRACY BRABIN (Actress and now MP for BATLEY AND SPEN) cannot be overlooked.

The way that THOMAS MAIR's image metamorphosised into an image resembling that of PSYCHOLOGICAL TRICKSTER DERREN BROWN cannot be overlooked

(The image could be:
2. DERREN BROWN's long lost brother or TWIN BROTHER)
3. An extremely close likeness or doppelganger for DERREN BROWN

Remember that the press told us that JO COX was verbally abused, physically abuseed, stabbed and even shot.

We are told that he hoarded Nazi material in his home to instigate the Communists or far left sympathisers in Britain or to bring back the spirit of ADOLF HITLER or NAZISM or simply that there is some sort of Jewish conspiracy behind the media to conjure up memories of the Holocaust, the conflict between the JEWS and the NAZIS.

It is claimed that the NAZI PARTY consisted of many JEWISH PEOPLE amongst their ranks.

Good day.

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